I've mentioned before, Ventura is a rather relaxed town, NOT fashion driven what-so-ever! It's unbelievably easy to find "fashion don'ts" and very difficult to find "fashion do's". I've been carrying my camera around at night thinking that would be the best time to find people who may have put a little more effort into what they were wearing, boy was I wrong!
We'll start with the DON'TS...
Apparently this gal loves to skateboard and is tomboy-ish. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! This outfit is fine for skateboarding (I guess), but put a little effort into going out. Unless she's a lesbian, that look is NOT attracting any male eyes!
First off, now days there are soooo many fashion lines that offer great options for plus size girls, there is NO excuse for this! The top could work, if the jeans were a different wash and actually FIT! Everyone knows that showing off your ass crack in public has NEVER been attractive no matter what size you are...it's just disgustingly tacky! Finally...I know it was cold out, but if you can go out and be fine with a top like that, you would be fine in a cute pair of heels or even flats. Don't go out and try to pick up dudes in your god damned slippers!!!!
This skirt looks like the ugliest brown drapes one could find. This doesn't look good on windows, it sure as hell doesn't look good as a skirt! BURN IT...keep the bag.
Lets just run this down...a grass green/ cropped/ terry cloth/ zip up sweatshirt, a floor length/ grass green floral print/elastic waist skirt, some kind of brown plaid Vans, and a Louis Vuitton (?) bag. This is so hideous, even for Ventura...she HAD TO be from out of town. A Ventura girl would have had on a denim skirt and Uggs. LAUGH OUT LOUD!!
Nicole Richie? Not even close! The Bohemian look is fine, but this is a bit over the top. That bag is almost as big as her! This whole outfit needs to be re-evaluated. I still hate those little headbands...they never work on anyone! If you own some, or even one...throw them away. You look like a dork when you wear them!
Now let's see some Do's...

You can tell this cute gal put some thought into her outfit. Unfortunately I didn't get a better angle to show off her jacket. I love her look and I think her hair is super effing cute! I would wear this outfit! Good job sweetheart!
Kind of a blurry photo, I apologize! This look is very Bohemian Thrift Sheik. I especially love the over sized cardigan and the black tights underneath. Although it isn't my personal style, I think she looks adorable!!!
This is Kirstin, I should have gotten a full length shot because her jeans (I have the same pair) and heels were really cute. The crochet hat is everywhere right now, but I love the red contrast with her mustard colored bag. Five stars and a wink!
This was at the end of the night, I think my gal is a little tipsy, but the outfit still looks major! What caught my eye from the usual leggings and long shirt was the jacket and shoes she chose. The cropped jacket works really well with her shape and the unusual color is a plus! I don't think I would have chose strappy heels to wear, but that's why I style watch, there's always something new to learn from others. I love the shoes and the fact that they are a few shades darker than the jacket. Well done!

I took this photo and my boyfriend said, "I thought your blog was for girls?" Sure is! (wink) Right, occasionally one runs into a guy that just plain looks good! I'm not one for guys that are
super fashionable/label whore/metrosexuals as I am for guys who have their own look and do it well. I love the shirt, the red really makes his tattoos pop! The hair and facial hair are just messy enough to look sexy. Five stars and 3 winks! The PBR works with the outfit too. LOL!