Tuesday, December 15, 2009
This is a fashion DON'T
Friday night we went out for dinner and a movie (Pirate Radio is HILARIOUS!) and then out for a drink. It was a rainy day and the bar is mostly outdoors, so it was chilly. Keep in mind, this town is pretty relaxed, but honestly, I don't think that's any excuse for going out in public and looking like shit! A lot of gals have caught onto the boot trend (and a lot of them have left those horrid Uggs at home, Thank Jesus!), and that's a good sign. Really, boots are in every store, it's hard not to get the trend hint. There are tall boots and flat boots, you pretty much can't go wrong. THEN I saw this shit!!!
Okay WHAT????? I don't even know what to say! At least they have a platform? I just want to know if she's stepped into a store lately, and I don't mean a thrift store. Granted times are a little tough (if ANYONE knows...), some people can't really go out and grab something new each weekend, I understand that, but at LEAST polish what you have!!! If you're going to wear the hell out of a pair of shoes, take care of them! Take them to get the heels capped, throw a bit of polish on, use a little leather dye. Unfortunately polish can't do anything about that square toe.
fashion don't