It's St. Patrick's day, and also my husband's birthday, today. While we aren't outright St. Patty's day enthusiasts, we enjoy a little Irish celebration just like everyone else! Besides a normal working day for me and my family with our noses to the grindstone and the kiddo in school, we plan to celebrate my loving husband's birthday this evening and live it up! The weather in our area of Northeast Tennessee is supposed to be unseasonably warm today with a high near 70 degrees, and after all this cold weather and rain we've had lately, I am so ready for Spring and warmer weather!
With the lovely, sunshine-filled day in the horizon, we are planning our first cookout of the year, with many more to come! This evening's menu will include some of my husband's favorites, including grilled lamb chops, loaded baked potato salad, baked butternut squash, and brownie bites, all thanks to our local Earth Fare!
What do you plan to do for St. Patty's day this year?
From my family to yours, Happy St. Patrick's Day!
XOXO, Crystal