I'd like to introduce our Spring issue! Our cover feature is on photographer Dangerously Dolly. I have LOVED her work since I first saw it and knew I had to have her in my magazine. I pretty much stalked her by email and Facebook until I finally was able to contact her. I was ecstatic when she said she would be interested in a feature with us. We so look forward to having more of her work in future issues.
For our fashion department we have the clothing line Deadly Dames by Micheline Pitt, a small division of Pinup Girl Clothing. Unfortunately I really haven't the money right now to spend over a hundred dollars on a dress, but if I DID, I would have to grab a few from Deadly Dames! I love is her use of bright pink and black & white stripes and her skull brooches are super cute and removable. The best part about Deadly Dames is that they are great for girls with big boobs and a curvy ass. Everyone knows how difficult it is to find vintage clothing that fits anyone over a size 4, so there ya go!
I have included a separate fashion spread, being a fashion stylist, I wanted to publish clothing and photos that I love! I'm a huge Marie Antoinette fan and I loved having the opportunity to direct a modern take on that era. My long time friend and fabulous fashion photographer, Stephanie Farr collaborated with me and we put together a brilliant team for this shoot. I was super happy to have the opportunity to work with Jessica Lee (model), not only is she beautiful, but she's a fucking doll!
Our artist feature is (in my opinion) one of the most brilliant contemporary artists of her time, Sylvia Ji. She has started such a rage with her beautiful women representing ethnic folklore. If you see a t-shirt or a tattoo of a woman with a Dia de los Muertos face painting, it was most likely inspired be Sylvia's work.
Tattoo artist Manuel Valenzuela is a friend that I felt would be perfect for our feature because not only is he a great artist, but he is currently expanding his shop (in Port Huemene, CA) and adding on an art gallery. He was also asked to design the poster art for this years London Tattoo Convention. It's a pleasure to hear that people I know are being recognized for their hard work and it's paying off!
My friend and now Managing Editor is the former singer for the Formaldabrides and Trailer Queen. She is also the music department head. She chose to do two articles this issue. One is on Charley Horse and the other is Swamp Angel. I think you all will appreciate the articles, because they are fucking awesome! Enough said! ha ha!
Initially the magazine was focused on women, but I decided if it was going to be a custom culture lifestyle magazine, part of that is men and how could men enjoy the magazine with out hot rods and motorcycles? My bf and photo editor, Matt Rascoe, chose an unbelievable car to shoot, one that came with a fabulous story attached. Not knowing Ian Berky, I figured he was going to be just another gear head that would talk shop with Matt the whole time and I would be left glaring at my notepad. Totally not like that at all. We had a blast hanging out with him and his wife and are glad to now call them friends.
Finally, Alisha landed an interview with the guys from Rescue Ink. I have to mention that I am an animal rights advocate and a vegetarian, but not one that feels they need to force their beliefs on others. I do openly share my beliefs if asked and if given the forum. With this magazine I find it's the perfect opportunity to remind people about animal advocacy, the environment, and so forth (in small doses). So needless to say we were beside ourselves to interview these guys that are doing such wonderful things to help animals and people as well.
So to sum it up, I hope you like it, buy it, collect it, pass it on, or recycle it! Thanks!!
Visit our website at http://www.pistol-magazine.com/ and click the BUY button and it will direct you to where you can see and buy.