Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Glamour Magazine Do's & Don't

When I started this blog, I wanted to share my opinion of today's trends, fashion and beauty. I'm an avid reader of anything fashion, and one of my favorite magazines is Glamour. I have always loved looking at their "Do's & Dont's" section and found that it is really popular, and has been for years. I also discovered that you can become a member of the site and upload your own do's & don'ts and rate photos. They have a ton of members, all there for a bit of innocent fun.

I thought it would be amusing to add a few Do's & Don'ts in my own blog. Unfortunately I have come under a little heat. Most people LOVE it (and the blog altogether), but I think some are a little frightened that they may end up on the "pages" of my blog. My little blog is MUCH smaller than Glamour magazine, but the negativity is already there. So at the risk of losing some of my readers, I've decided to tone it down a bit. Hopefully that won't also cause me to lose readers. I'm not here to hurt feelings and make people feel insecure and uncomfortable, its all in good fun. At any rate...I thought I'd post About Glamour's Do's & Don't so everyone can see just what its all about.

Glamour’s Big Book of Dos and Don’ts
Fashion Help for Every Woman
By Cindi Leive and the Editors of Glamour

There’s not a woman alive who hasn’t left the house wearing something regrettable, but Glamour is here to help. For 67 years, the magazine’s beloved “Dos & Don’ts” column has made for hilarious rubbernecking, teaching readers invaluable lessons in style along the way. Now readers can find all that fashion wisdom in one place. With 750 on-the-street photos, expert makeovers, and advice from top fashion designers, you’ll never have a Don’t day again. I would guess that showing up on the pages of Glamour magazine even as a fashion "don't" would be fantastic, but actually...I'm not so sure. Here are some Don'ts I pulled from their web pages.

A: Too tight, Too scrunched, and witch boots are NEVER in unless it's Halloween! B: ALWAYS remember to take the price sticker off, even if you wear them out of the store. Too tacky!

C: If you need the extra support, that's fine, but the world doesn't need to see it!! D: Not only is this horrible (like the last shot), but the bra is too small for her!

E: Wrong, wrong, wronnnng!!! And I'm not just talking about the obvious! I can handle the shaved head, but the jeans are too small, the shoes are waaaay out dated, and then there's the BRA! But at least it fits. F: If you want to wear a bra under a top like this, fine, just make sure it's cute and in good condition. NEVER wear a top like this and bottoms that show off your ass crack! HORRID!

G: If you are an eccentric, okay...but really? Even an eccentric knows that these sweats are a definite don't! H: Wait what?! I'm speechless...

I: I don't care what size you are...this is NEVER appropriate! Not even at a Bondage Ball! Buy shit that FITS!!! J: Nasty!!! This one just screams hooker and there is no way you could disagree.

K: That's just a MESS!!! There is nothing left to say. Nothing works, not even the hair! WHY don't woman just accept their size and BUY IT???? If you aren't a size 4 anymore, you aren't and no one else knows! Trying to squeeze into a size 4...everyone knows!!! L: Lets just pretend this lady has all of her marbles...get up earlier! Don't EVER go out on the street in rollers. I know the older people get, the less they give a shit, but she cares enough to put on lipstick before she left her pad, so take out the rollers!!!!

M: I'm just going to say...if you are going to wear white...you should ALWAYS wear nude undergarments...and yes, wear undergarments!!! Especially if your shower time wasn't long enough to take care of all your grooming. N: Cropped jeans are fashionable, but judging by the pantie lines on this ladies ass, these jeans are just too small! This bleachy/faded thing...NEVER good! Even if she bought those jeans yesterday it doesn't make them a good trend or fashionable. PLEASE READ FASHION MAGAZINES!!!!! Or at least look at the pictures, for gawd sake!