Lets start by explaining what "Rockabilly" is (according to Wikipedia. For more info go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockabilly): Rockabilly is one of the earliest styles of rock and roll music, and emerged in the early 1950s. The term rockabilly is a portmanteau of rock (from rock 'n' roll) and hillbilly, the latter a reference to the country music (often called hillbilly music in the 1940s and 1950s) that contributed strongly to the style's development. Other important influences on rockabilly include western swing, boogie woogie, and rhythm and blues. While there are notable exceptions, its origins lie primarily in the Southern United States. The influence and popularity of the style waned in the 1960s, but during the late 1970s and early 1980s, rockabilly enjoyed a major revival of popularity that has endured to the present, often within a rockabilly subculture.
When you see someone from this scene, you can see the mixture of looks from the 1940s and 1950s rock and country scene. The Rockabilly scene has always been a mishmash of all of this, and at times frustrates me because I'm such a "era perfectionist". You will see people who have the true look and then you will run across a gal that has it all completely wrong...I will cover that later.
Lets take a look at some of the "retro gals"...

These vintage swimming suits are fantastic! To find one that fits properly takes a serious vintage enthusiast. I'm sure these girls could tell you exactly where every vintage shop is in L.A. and when the best times to hit the Rose Bowl Flea Market and the Vintage Clothing Expo. Kudos!
These may be reproductions, but none-the-less they are appropriate and they look great. I especially like that despite one of them, they haven't gone all out with the tattoos. I do love tattoos, but not having them makes the look appear so much more proper. These gals came prepared from head to toe for the entire weekend! I'll show you the rest of the pics I found of these girls because I was impressed!!!
The rockabilly scene is weighed heavily with the blue-collar tattooed look, even the woman take this on. I understand the blending of the eras and scenes to create one solid look, but when the girls start wearing day clothing with an evening handbag and jewelry...that's when I start to cringe! Maybe I'll throw in some examples later.
Here's some pics of the "rockabilly gals"...
These girls look great. I think the this look can be achieved without looking like you are in a costume. Despite the third girls exaggerated hair color, the style and her makeup is fantastic! Note: they have flowers in their hair, but they look like they are going out to dinner or cocktails. Ladies, THAT'S when the flower is appropriate and only then. Despite the fact that these ladies look borderline "costumey", their look is perfected! I love the sweet look of the gal in the passengers seat. She reminds me of Rachel McAdams in The Notebook. The one in the drivers seat is very "bombshell". Her gorgeous red hair is styled flawlessly. The gal in the back, despite my lack of favor for the "country/cowgirl" look has that Patsy Cline thing going and it works.
The girls in this photo are the typical rockabilly girls you'll see around. They have taken their new dresses and made them look retro. They have the proper hair styles and makeup, and despite their cheap shoes (oops!) they look well put together. I would give them 3 stars.
I really don't like the flower in her hair, but aside from she's a good example of taking the casual look of the cropped pants and the tank top and heels and putting it together to get a cute rockabilly look, and as I mentioned...the perfect hair and makeup.
I'm gonna say that it irritates me when I see girls walking around car shows in swimming suits and heels. It's really uncalled for. Go get a crop top and shorts. Just because its vintage and cute and short, doesn't make it okay. Aside from all that, their hair is done perfectly and they look great. The gal in the middle wearing the cheap dress with what looks like a giraffe print, should have thought twice about buying that, but her hair makes up for it. I hope she has cute shoes on.
Cute, cute, cute! their dresses fit them perfectly and their hair is fantastic. They look retro without the costume effect.
Some other typical girls. The girl on the left with the blonde streaks...those tend to be more "Psychobilly", but these days its all blending together and becoming relevant to one scene. Again cheap modern dresses in the appropriate colors and hairstyles to bring it all together.
Once again we see a mishmash of Rockabilly and Psychobilly, but their looks are very cute. The girl on the far left looks the "sexy" part, the girl in the middle is adorable, and the girl on the right is a little more badass. You'll see the leopard prints, cropped pants, 40s silhouette, high and wedge heels, the victory rolls, bandanna, and of course...tattoos.
You'll find that despite every ones variation, it's all very relative. Hair and makeup styles vary between the 1940s/1950s style. A lot of victory rolls or "Betty Page bangs", red lipstick, sharp eyebrows, and black eyeliner. Clothing always has a retro feel with 40s/50s style dresses, leopard print, and a lot of red, black, and navy. Bandanna's in pulled up hair, denim jeans, Cowgirl shirts, Hawaiian print dresses, polka dots, high waist pants/shorts, halter tops, etcetera. The girls are always wearing heels wedges or when there's going to be a lot of walking, slip-on flats. Even when their personal look has a bit of masculinity (jeans & sneakers), you'll always find a Rockabilly girl with flawless (feminine) make-up. I can't forget the cherry on top...tattoos!