It appears as though Urban Outfitters is now introducing a beauty line, which consists of over 50 brands and (as they mention) 1000 colors! Despite the fact that we can pick up all of this at Sephora, I do find it fun that you can go online and purchase an outfit as well as your favorite lip gloss and shampoo. I'm not sure yet if you are able to purchase the beauty products in the stores, but right now they're doing a shipping promo -buy any beauty product and get free shipping on your entire order. That's kinda cool!
Here are some of the brands they are now carrying: Anna Sui perfumes, BLOW hair products, CoSTUME NATIONAL perfumes, Culter hair products, Demeter perfumes, DuWop cosmetics, Girlactik cosmetics, Japonesque beauty accessories, Malin + Goetz perfume, Manic Panic hair color, Paul & Joe perfume and accessories, Pop cosmetics, Revolution in Cut hair products, Stila cosmetics, and Too Faced cosmetics.
Here are some of the brands they are now carrying: Anna Sui perfumes, BLOW hair products, CoSTUME NATIONAL perfumes, Culter hair products, Demeter perfumes, DuWop cosmetics, Girlactik cosmetics, Japonesque beauty accessories, Malin + Goetz perfume, Manic Panic hair color, Paul & Joe perfume and accessories, Pop cosmetics, Revolution in Cut hair products, Stila cosmetics, and Too Faced cosmetics.

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